If you have ordered a watch with a metal bracelet, there is a good chance you will have to have one or more links removed to fit your wrist properly. This can only be done with the wearer present. That is why we ship all watches unsized.
We suggest you take your watch to a local jeweler for sizing. Expect to pay a nominal fee for this service. Do not attempt to size your own watch! You may damage or scratch the watch and bracelet. The liability is yours - Replicaza will not accept a scratched or damaged watch for return.
Hold on to Them
After the links are removed, keep those links! Occasionally, a watch bracelet may break. It is a lot easier (and cheaper!) to have the bracelet repaired with your own links than ordering and shipping new ones.
(Please remember that once you have your watch sized, you may NOT return it for a cash refund or exchange)
Clasp Types:To open this clasp, reach under the bracelet band and lift upwards. The band extends to allow for easy removal.
This clasp opens when buttons on each side of the bracelet band are pushed, then the band extends to allow for easy removal.
To open this clasp, lift the safety clasp then lift the folding clasp. When opened, the band extends for easy removal.
To open this buckle, pull the end of the strap through the belt loop and pull backwards. Lift the buckle arm upward out of the hole to release the strap.
To open this three-part clasp, first lift the safety clasp, then lift the top edge of the clasp tab and slide the hook forward to release.
To open this clasp, gently lift the clasp to unhook it.
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